Wednesday, August 10, 2005

All Hail Apple!

I've gotten so fed up with Windows based computers! They are cumbersome, memory hogs, and so suseptible to viruses you need to innoculate daily! The software is invasive, takes up more and more space on the hard drive than is needed to produce documents, spreadsheets, and the like, and does everything so inefficiently by taking far more steps than should be required to do the simplest of tasks! And to top it all off... it is actually MORE expensive to purchase a Windows based computer than an Apple!

I searched for the best Windows computer I could find, one that would give me a high standard of included software and well made hardware, and found the Sony VAIO. When I priced the 13" VGN-S480, a 13" laptop, it cost $3030.00, a price that at the time didn't seem too bad for a laptop. Yet, when I went to the Apple store and priced an equivalent 14" iBook, it only cost $1300.00! That's right... a savings of $1,730.00!! So someone please tell me WHY anyone in their right mind would spend so much more for a Windows based computer? I can purchase the same cumbersome Microsoft Office suite for the Apple (but why bother when AppleWorks (a simplistic but still reliable piece of software) is already included in the Apple and can read Word documents and Excel spreadsheets?

I have tried for YEARS to work with what is the most used (but why I cannot imagine!) operating system on this planet, but just can't take it anymore! After I purchased the iBook, I was able to create an entire presentation in a day, using Keynote, something that would have taken me FAR longer and taken far more steps to create in Microsoft's PowerPoint! Not only that, but I purchased (at a $179.00 savings I might add!) a color iPod, and am now listening to music, downloading images from my digital camera, and recording my voice whenever I need to! It automatically syncs with the iBook, has opened my mind up to the idea of Podcasting, and is just plain EASIER TO USE!

Goodbye Windows! Goodbye Microsoft! Hello freedom! Hello APPLE!