Thursday, July 29, 2010

On iPhones and Apple in general...

It's been five weeks since I got my new iPhone 4... you know, the one with the "GRIP OF DEATH"! 

Yeah... whatever. Try as I might, I can't get the damn thing to loose signal. I've travelled part of the country, into areas that are supposed to be AT&T dead zones, or at least "really ill and doesn't look so good, does he..." zones, and I still get fine reception and no dropped calls. I'm really trying... REALLY! 

That said, I do find that if I move my head just a little bit, the phone pops awake, and for some reason my ear decides it wants to dial a number, so I get these annoying beep beep sounds as I'm talking to someone. Well, we can't have everything, can we. 

I have friends who don't like Apple products (kind of like Mac fan-bois in reverse) because they perceive the company as being snobbish and full of themselves. Sounds a little like Bill Gates to me, but what do I know! I find it interesting that so many people automatically think of you as an Apple fan-boi just because the products they make really fit well into your life. That doesn't make one an obsessive compulsive Apple lover, it makes one a practical human being that chooses the right tool for the job at hand. I will be the first to say Apple products aren't for everyone... they don't play nice with some institutions way of doing things ~ Apple tends to do things a certain way, and if you can't fit that mold, then get something else. That's fine by me. I really think Windows units do the same in their own way, but people tend to ignore them since they don't usually come off as so high and mighty. Nothing like a little arrogance to make people hate your company! I think Steve Jobs ought to learn a lesson from that, but again... what do I know! 

Concerning Jobs and his response to iPhone concerns, get a grip people... it's only a phone! That said... Wake up Jobs... telling people to hold it a different way is just plain wrong. 'Nuff said.

Posted via email from The Importance of Blogging Earnest

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